Monday, July 25, 2011

The calm after the storm...

Ralphie is not a fan of thunderstorms, so he was running around like a crazy dog... Here he is finally settling in for his post storm nap!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Our oldest child...

You already met Justice, Ralphie's big brother golden retriever.  Here is the final baby in our family, Vega.

Friday, July 22, 2011


What does Napoleon and Ralphie have in common?  Well, they are both short...

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Watching TV

Apparently Ralphie was very entertained by tonight's episode Burn Notice...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sleepy head

So, today was a sleepy day.  He slept until about 1pm, then woke up for long enough to go potty and eat food, and slept some more.  Life must be tough...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Ralphie's Bubba

Today you get to see Ralphie's big brother, Justice.  I am quite sure Justice will make the occasional stop in on Ralphie's page.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Good morning, Ralphie.

As a lot of dogs do, Ralphie likes to sleep... a lot.  Also, he is easiest to shoot when he is asleep, so here is a cute sleeping pic, which I am sure you will see quite often.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Meet Ralphie

I know everyone says their dog is the cutest, but my dog really is the cutest dog ever.  He is an adolescent, brindle English Bulldog.  We have had him now for a few months which have been amazingly fun.  He is a comedian and his hobbies are sticking his tongue out, getting his butt scratched, and snoring.  The reason I started this is because he has become the center of attention for a lot of our friends, to the point where a lot of them ask to see pictures of him every time I am around.  I know I sound like one of those moms, but you know... if you are here, you probably get it.  Anywho, if you like cute English Bulldogs, come back and get your daily dose of Ralphie.